With the many scams out there today, one has to becareful about which business to get into. Network Marketing is an industry that carries with it some big stigmas. However, in recent years that has changed. Best selling author, Robert Kiyosaki, just came out with another book called The Business of the 21st Century.
And I have to tell you. This is a must read if you are involved with a Network Marketing company or are thinking of joining one. I was once told to look at what the Successful people are doing and do what they do. Robert Kiyosaki did not write another book because he was bored. He did so for a reason and you can either capitalize on this knowledge or let it pass you by. And if you do not like to read, I recommend buying the Audio CD.
As a Wealth Coach, I am a firm believer in Network Marketing as a viable industry. However, one must becareful not to join the wrong business. There are many to choose from. Visit www.coachingwithmichael.com to get your copy of The 12 Clues to the Golden Goose. As with any new business venture, you must do your research.
But rest assured, Robert Kiyosaki has placed a stamp of approval on Network Marketing as a viable industry.
Network Marketing is also referred to by other names such as Mulit Level Marketing, MLM, and Home Based Business. And you will quickly find, if you align with the right business, that you have the ability to reach Financial Freedom in less than 5 years. Meaning that your passive income is greater than your expenses. When this happens, you take control of your life. I hope you caught that. Work hard for less than 5 years and retire if you want or work a JOB and maybe retire in 40+ years.
I encourage you to look into this industry and peel the layers away. Because there truly is a better way to live.