60 second Commercial for Send Out Cards
Would you like people to ask you what you do? Flip it around & Ask them first!
And when they do ... here are some suggestions from Tom Big Al (Guru in MLM):
“I show single moms how to make more money with a part time business than they can with a fulltime job.”
“I show realtors how to diversify themselves and generate extra income in any economy.”
“I show people how to start a part time business and make extra income every month without risking large amounts of capital.”
“I show hard working, under appreciated employees how to start a part time business and fire their boss in two years.”
From Big Al’s scripts
You want to “create curiosity and SORT people. You are looking for a positive reply such as “Really? How does that work?”, according to Big Al. You will then lead in with your memorized 60 second commercial:
“I’d like to tell you all about it, however it would likely take a whole minute of your time. When do you think you might have a minute to spare?” They will likely reply “Right now!” (Big Al Script)
“I’m in the relationship business, the biggest industry in the world and it’s expected to increase at an exponential rate. You see everyone has a relationship with someone. The question is, are they nurturing that relationship properly. Just as a plant needs water to live and grow, people NEED to hear thank you’s, I appreciate you’s, I love you’s, I am thinking of you’s, and I miss you’s. We meet that growing NEED with a product and service that allows people to nurture one of the most important commodities on the planet, their relationships… with family, friends, significant others, co workers, and new people they meet. In fact, our Product and Service saves people time and money and even has the ability to make you some extra money. Most of the people we show this product and service to want it immediately.(Person’s name) I would like to show you what I am talking about over the phone...when can you be in front of your computer for 15 minutes this week?” (Michael Gallegos script)
At this point you exchange cards and get theirs! Make sure you check to see if there is a mailing address on the card – if not – get it and get their birthday month and day only. Write the day and time they want you to call them. Do not answer too many questions on this first meet. You say:
“That is a great question – (their name) I promise all of your questions will be answered on our first call. You are going to love this system, it was a pleasure meeting you and I look forward to our chat.” (Michael Gallegos script)
Role play with someone to increase your effectiveness – then meet people!
And if you haven't aligned with someone in Send Out Cards yet - email me now